
schlosstheater moers

alice im wunderland

Dienstag, 26. April, 10.00 Uhr

nach Lewis Carroll, Theaterfassung von Susanne Zaun

Regie: Susanne Zaun
Komponist: Bernhard La Dous
Ausstattung und Video: Mamoru Iriguchi
Dramaturgie: Maria Filimonov
Schauspiel: Pola Jane O `Mara und Patrick Dollas
Regieassistenz und Video: Björn Nienhuys
Aufführungsrechte: Schlosstheater Moers

Dauer: 60 Minuten, ab 8 Jahren
Spielort: Consol Theater, Theatersaal, Bismarckstraße 240, 45889 Gelsenkirchen

Before Alice can even begin to marvel at what is happening to her, she tumbles head over heels down the rabbit hole and into a curious world behind the looking glass. Rules and certainties do not apply here: big and small, up and down, left and right keep switching meanings until Alice nearly loses herself in them. Wonderland ` s quirky residents confront Alice with loads of delightful nonsense, and the ending is dominated by delectable confusion as to who has actually landed in whose dream.

"Director Susanne Zaun confronts her young audience with a twofold Alice, taking up the theme of the looking glass and playfully prompting her to examine complex questions of identity. The performers enthusiasm is contagious and quickly infects the audience."
Rheinische Post, 21.11.2015