A welcome plot device for the author, a challenge for the director, a potential nightmare for the actor: livestock have been a constant presence on the stages of children ´s and youth theatre (among other genres) from the beginning. Whether in the classic children ´s version, as the cute, popular figure in a Christmas fairytale, or as a provocation attempt in youth theatre, either a strictly biological or symbolic embodiment of the fable, the dramaturgical facets of animal usage in theatre are just as diverse as their aesthetic and dramatic realisations. We would like to devote some time to this major topic from which no one is able to escape and share stories, give testimony, query others and assess techniques; we will dive into the art of portraying animals, the amount of abstraction required and the characteristics of this aesthetic - all in plain view of our beastly role models at the Gelsenkirchen zoo!
Guests: Martin Baltscheit (author), Andrea Kramer (director), Sabine Kreiter (costume designer), Till Beckmann, Jennifer Ewert and Manuel Moser (performers)